So, I googled about New Age, flipped through pages and stumbled upon a book called “A Course in Miracles.” This book was penned by a woman who says she was channeling “Jesus” as she wrote it. “Jesus” told her what to say, and she wrote it down. From what I can tell based on my research, the “Jesus” in this book explains truth in relative terms, and he describes God as oneness, energy, vibration, etc.
Stop. If you do not believe in God or the spirit realm, my line of reasoning is going to get fuzzy for you. I believe in God and the spirit realm. I have reasons for my belief, and “the Bible says so” is not one of them. However, the Bible does confirm my belief that there is a spirit realm and it also tells me specifically not to mess around with it.
So, after researching “A Course in Miracles”, I began thinking, hmmm, what if the Jesus I know is not the real Jesus? What if the “Jesus” in “A Course in Miracles” is the true Jesus and he is correct in saying Christians have got it all wrong? I continued googling.
I learned that “Jesus” has actually talked to a lot of people lately via channeling. I’m not talking about feelings and impressions here. He has literally strung sentences together, spoken clear words into people’s heads as though his voice were audible to them. “Jesus” isn’t the only one talking. There is much chatter lately because it seems we as humans are on the brink of a spiritual awakening of sorts, and these spirits want to help us over the final hump. To that end, there are many different spirits with many different names borrowing human voices and hands to teach us about the nature of God. These spirits, including “Jesus”, seem to agree on a few things. 1) Truth is subjective, 2) God is energy, and 3) we are one with God and therefore share in His divinity.
I smell a rat.
What good is a Bible? It’s just a dusty old book written by a bunch of old guys, talking about a culture that is dead and gone and therefore has no relevance to the present. Furthermore, it has been translated so many times, we cannot trust its accuracy.
At this point in my research, I stopped googling and I dusted off my Bible. I wondered what the Jesus of the Bible had to say about all this. Here’s what I read: “Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many.” Mark 13:5-6 (Remember, this was written roughly 2000 years ago.)
I smell a rat. His name is Satan. He is the father of lies. He is condemned by God. He knows he is condemned, and he’s bitter. He wants to drag as many souls down with him as he can, just to spite God.
You’ve probably felt it yourself. Anger, I mean. When I’m in an argument with my husband and am so angry I can hardly contain it, I want to lash out at him and say hurtful things. And bitterness. I remember when I was younger my parents would tell me to do the dishes and I’d feel so bitter about it, I’d drag my feet, complain, whine, procrastinate.
Ever heard the phrase “Misery loves company?”
What good is a Bible? It tells me Satan exists, and it shows me how to spot him. And I spot him in “A Course in Miracles.”
“Yes, Jessica. But what does this have to do with you wanting to be a sheep?” Stay tuned for Part 3.
1 year ago
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