Sunday, December 7, 2008

Plugging Away . . . Slowly

Well, this blog has been a bit silent. That was not my intent, however, I have been busy working on other aspects of my writing, i.e., writing a synopsis and creating a promotional flyer for The Exception. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I redeployed my website last night. The text on the main page is new. I also added a link to my new promo flyer, and I made some minor modifications to the first three chapters of The Exception. After writing the synopsis, I realized I needed to make some small adjustments to my plot, so I whipped up yet another draft. The result, I think, is a stronger and more cohesive story, thanks to just a tiny bit of tinkering.

The next thing on my to-do list is to see what "burnfeeder" is all about. I suppose if I want people to find my blog, I better "publish" it, right? I think that is what burnfeeder does, though not 100% sure. Something new to learn!

So, I'm off. Merry Christmas cyberspace!!!

REVISION: Make that feedburner. lol. But, there is a if you're interested!

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